9 Best 度假村 in 纳帕 Valley

  • 指南
  • 作者:MICHELLE M. 赢家
  • 2023年3月23日
  • 145545
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What is a “best” 纳帕 Wine Country Resort anyway? A basic definition might be to have a terrific restaurant, 户外活动, 史诗般的游泳池, design that provides a sense of place, and a location set amidst beautiful 纳帕 Valley surroundings. It doesn’t have to have a spa, but it sure wouldn’t hurt. 而且你在入住期间不需要离开酒店就能享受到美妙的体验. 但最重要的是,顶级葡萄酒之乡度假胜地是一个让客人感到被照顾得很好的地方.

ag体育正规及其周边,我们发现了符合所有这些特点的度假胜地,甚至更多. From quaint properties walking distance to town, to expansive properties dotting the hillsides and valley, these are the gems that offer guests relaxation, 复兴, 也是探索ag体育正规美景的完美基地.

住宿 /纳帕


Of all of the 纳帕 Valley resorts, 从风格上讲,这座建筑真正体现了该地区的农业根源. 想想冰淇淋, 自行车, 别墅, 新鲜的甜甜圈, 懒惰的天, 户外淋浴, and a curtain of stars in the night sky. Here the newly-revamped spa will pamper you, the hilltop pool with vineyard views will delight you, 一流的餐厅从自家花园和当地农场采购新鲜食材, 会激励你. Up-market ambience is delivered at Carneros with a casual vibe; like the heated slate floors in the bathroom, 或者在你的甲板上加上摇椅,邀请你坐一段时间. Guests will love the perfect simplicity delivered with style.


度假客人可以订购Boon Fly caf著名的甜甜圈和菜单,通过农舍用餐,享受您的私人户外早餐, 户外露台.

Image courtesy of Carneros Resort

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住宿 /圣赫勒拿


阿利拉ag体育正规是凯悦酒店集团的成员,是圣. 海伦娜. Each of the 69 rooms come complete with luxury bedding, 户外浴盆, and private terraces—many that offer stunning vineyard views. 加上豪华设施, 比如水疗, 户外游泳池, 广受好评的餐厅, and it’s no wonder why this resort is sought-after.
Speaking of the on-site restaurant, Acacia House is a worthy visit any time of day, where classic yet modern fare is inspired by the bounty of Wine Country.


While we'd suggest staying a night or two, you don’t need to be an overnight guest to enjoy the on-site spa, as anyone looking to be pampered for the day is welcome to Spa Alila. Book any of the soothing body treatments, 然后后处理, 利用成人专用游泳池和健身中心来充实你的体验.


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住宿 /纳帕


Outdoor activity aficionados will love the expansive 西尔维拉多度假胜地. A traditional resort that appeals to many tastes, active guests will like the full-service spa, 十个游泳池, two PGA championship golf courses, 网球场, 室外地滚球戏法院, and onsite 徒步旅行 and biking trails. 烹饪目的地爱好者会欣赏,有几个餐厅的选择,从物业的著名行政总厨的指导下, 帕特里克·普拉格. 那些将来要结婚的人会喜欢这个度假胜地,因为这里有很多客房可供选择, romantic venues for photographs, 以及度假村提供个性化菜单和客人聚会体验的能力, 无论是五个人的亲密聚会,还是与500个最亲密的朋友一起庆祝.


Silverado understands the importance of team building activities. 我们的现场目的地体验协调员将为您的团队计划完美的团体体验, 无论是踩葡萄, wine blending and blind tasting competitions, 或者乘坐气球.

Image courtesy of 西尔维拉多度假胜地

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住宿 /纳帕


Nestled among the hills and vineyards of 纳帕, 这个托斯卡纳风格的度假将让你靠近ag体育正规的行动,同时享受所有的梅里塔奇度假村和水疗中心所提供的. 有几家餐厅, 保龄球馆, and even a vineyard on hotel grounds, you may find it hard to leave. 去水疗中心做情侣按摩、冥想或身体护理. Olive and Hay is the casual yet refined restaurant at The Meritage, serving farm-to-table Italian cuisine. If you do decide to leave the hotel grounds, you can enjoy activities like golfing, 飞蝇钓, or even a hot air balloon ride.


The Meritage is a perfect holiday destination. 每年, the Meritage creates a winter village, 包括一个溜冰场, s ' mores, 以及VIP冰屋体验. There's even a rink bar called Santa's Tavern! Is it too early to start thinking about your holiday vacation?

Image courtesy of Meritage Resort

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住宿 / Calistoga

Solage, Auberge 度假村 Collection

Is there such a thing as playful luxury? Solage, an Auberge 度假村 Collection property, certainly thinks so. 在葡萄酒之乡的心脏,130英尺的游泳池在Solage闪闪发光,邀请你潜入健康和保健. 喜欢被宠爱的积极生活方式爱好者在这里可以享受到一种享受. 前往Spa Solage的澡堂,轻松进入地热池或选择富含矿物质的泥浆疗法. Hop on your complementary cruiser bike for a spin, pause for a view of the serene setting, and be in the moment here among the historic oak groves. 晚些时候, wander over to acclaimed restaurant, Solbar, 在享受手工制作的鸡尾酒的同时,在加州风格的菜单上漫步, 一杯纳帕葡萄酒, or flight of bubbly on the outdoor patio. 晚饭后, 塞进你的私人房间, cottage-style studio or suite, and prepare to head to dreamland.


Want to keep the wellness routine going strong on vacation? 你可以升级到一辆Peloton自行车送到你的套房,在你逗留期间享受.


住宿 /圣赫勒拿


四十多年来,梅多伍德一直是ag体育正规生活中众所周知的一部分, historically supporting local, family-owned wineries by offering a place to hold tastings, 会议, 晚餐, and world-class wine conferences. This wine-focused, luxurious retreat near St. 海伦娜也是客人在欣赏壮观的自然世界的同时寻找隐私的最爱. While the 250-acre estate has long been a destination for golf, 网球, 徒步旅行, 和游泳, 该度假村仍在从2020年大火的破坏中恢复过来,其中一些产品更为有限. 好消息是, 梅多伍德ag体育正规仍然是葡萄酒之乡最梦幻的地方之一, 三个室外游泳池, 像避难所一样的温泉, 大型健身中心, and gorgeous natural surroundings await. 房间和套房是光,白色,通风,与优雅的复杂和平静的设计. And the newly opened Forum serves exquisite but approachable cuisine.


沿着奥克维尔的西南山脊,有一个叫海岬的秘密地方. 它是在20世纪80年代的一天被梅多伍德ag体育正规的一位主人H. 威廉·哈兰(William Harlan),他在一个被他称为荒野和林地的“与世隔绝的地区”徒步旅行. He never forgot the mystical feeling there. Finally in 2008 the Harlan family acquired the parcel. 第二代开始探索这个崎岖的地质区域,并考虑在这里尝试葡萄的大实验. Today there is a vineyard and Promontory wine being bottled. 它仍然是一个秘密地点, but a place that guests are able to discover, 在大露台上放松, 品尝葡萄酒, and take in the treetop views as the mist that blows in. Appointments can be made through Meadowood’s concierge.

Image courtesy of Meadowood | Paul Lange

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住宿 / Calistoga


While wine is definitely the draw in 纳帕 Valley, 上谷卡利斯托加也因葡萄酒之乡小镇地下的地热矿泉水而备受尊敬. 这个健康度假胜地的小宝石位于卡利斯托加的主要街道一个街区之外,是一个家庭访问的完美地点, 和朋友一起度假, 或者两人浪漫之旅. 清脆漂亮的客房围绕着中央庭院的一系列游泳池. 从酒店, 步行去餐馆, 预定一次热气球之旅, check out Old Faithful Geyser, or go wine tasting; all are in close vicinity to the Calistoga area. But be sure to take time to bliss out at Spa Calistoga, located on the resort’s property, then experience the four geothermal mineral pools: a whirlpool, 浴池, 游泳池, 还有一个浅水池. Here the mineral waters are what it’s all about.


Don’t miss the Volcanic Ash Mud Bath therapy at the spa, or the Chromotherapy jet tubs, which adjust your body vibrations to optimize your well-being.

Image courtesy of 卡利斯托加温泉

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住宿 / 奥克维尔 卢瑟福


奥贝格度假村(Auberge 度假村)长期以来一直被视为奢华的代名词,而这一切都始于ag体育正规(纳帕 Valley). 40多年前, in a much different 纳帕 Valley that was more farm than vine, 一家名为太阳茄子的高级餐厅和一家小旅馆是由一位厨师兼餐馆老板和他的合伙人在橄榄林中建造的. It was 纳帕 Valley’s first haute cuisine establishment, and its success grew by word of mouth spread by the faithful. 著名的餐厅, 网球场, 特殊的温泉, 宽敞的客房露台与惊人的山谷景色只是开始为那些谁想要无与伦比的个人服务,超出预期.


定制,私人葡萄酒之旅可以安排,以满足您的喜好和口味. 问问.

Image courtesy of 太阳茄子

住宿 / AG体育平台


Bardessono brings mindfulness to luxury. Located in the heart of 纳帕 Valley in AG体育平台, 巴德索诺平衡了当代风格与自然的美丽和简单. Whether you're walking amongst their calm, 折衷的花园, enjoying a cool mud bath at B Spa, or relaxing by the rooftop pool, you'll be energized and renewed by the end of your stay. 他们的餐厅, 露西, is named after the matriarch, 露西Bardessono, 露西对农业的热情和她的生态精神体现在有意识的烹饪中. 餐食中的一些食材甚至是从酒店的认证有机花园中采摘的. If you’re able to tear yourself away from this sleek paradise, 你可以步行去酿酒厂, 沿着葡萄园骑自行车, 在市场上购物.


如果你想要一个更亲密的水疗体验,巴德斯诺的所有套房都变成了一个私人水疗中心. 在舒适的房间里享受按摩或沐浴疗法,体验完全的放松和宁静.

Image courtesy of Bardessono
